Divorce Financial Analysis
Stephen G. Rosen CPA CDFA
The financial ramifications of a divorce can be devastating. Working with a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA) can help you understand the financial complexities of divorce. A CDFA can help you attain a workable financial settlement by considering tax issues, equitable distribution of assets, spousal and child support, division of pensions, and determining the short term and long term financial impact of a proposed divorce settlement.

Financial Affidavits
The starting point for determining your financial future is the submitting of a financial affidavit which lists your assets, liabilities, income and living expenses. This detailed report is submitted to the courts, and exchanged with your spouse's representatives. We will help you identify and collect the financial data necessary to assemble a complete financial affidavit.

Identification of assets and division of marital property
Assets accumulated during the marriage are called marital assets, which are different from those assets you owned prior to the marriage, called separate or non-marital assets. We will help you identify both types of assets, which is important in planning your financial settlement. Assets included in our discussions are:
Checking and savings and money market accounts
Retirement assets
Non retirement investment accounts
Personal residence
Other real estate investments
We will use the information you provide to determine who keeps these assets to arrive at a fair settlement.

Tax impact of divorce
The financial issues arising in divorce proceedings may have significant tax implications. CPAs are required to have 40 hours of continuing professional education, therefore keeping up with tax law changes. We advise our clients all year long about tax compliance and planning. CPAs who have the CDFA designation are best prepared to advise our clients about the tax impact of divorce, considering issues arising from:
Dividing property Salt of the principal residence
Spousal support Retirement plans
Child Support Marital status
We will propose a financial settlement that considers all the taxation issues.

Determining a fair settlement
Equitable distribution of property is one of the goals of divorce professionals. If you get the house in the settlement, can you afford it? Is the spousal support offered enough to supplement your income, or replace the support you're accustomed to? Are you planning long range to cover day care, summer camp, soccer clubs, college, your own educational needs? How about the cost of daily living: food, auto expense, clothing and recreation?
A CPA-CDFA, through training and experience is your advocate and trusted professional to recommend a financial settlement that will consider your current financial condition and long range financial planning. Contact us for more information.